Early Morning Prayer Weekday mornings, 7-8am, online via Skype
Click the button to join the Skype meeting
Oasis Wellbeing Café Mondays 1.00-3.00pm, at WCC (Café area) A space where you can experience peace, welcome and friendship, where it's OK not to be OK. Simple free refreshments provided.
Harmony WCC's Ministry to women
Wednesday mornings, 10am
Café Church Sun 16 Feb, 6.45pm
A welcoming, informal gathering with discussion, fellowship and music - and refreshments..
Lenten Lunch Friday 7 March, 12.30pm at WCC
A short reflection for Lent followed by a soup lunch
Dates for the Diary
Glorious Conference Sat 8 Mar, Music Hall, Aberdeen
Come and join with women from across Scotland for a day of dynamic teaching and worship.
Click on the image to find out more
Church Weekend at Home Fri 21 - Sun 23 March, at WCC
A weekend of teaching, worship, food and fun, with guest speaker Lynne Paterson, head of the Evangelical Alliance Scotland. Click on the button to download the booking form
Holiday Bible Club 2025 Mon 11 - Fri 15 Aug, at WCC